Presse / Press

Information om presseakkreditering til Fredericia Håndboldsklubs kampe i EHF Machineseeker Champions League. (English version further down this page)

Til journalister og fotografer.

Vi glæder os til at tage imod jer til vores kampe i EHF Machineseeker Champions League.
Du skal søge om akkreditering for at få adgang til pressepladser og presserum i arenaen.

Journalister fra et skrivende medie skal senest 72 timer før kampstart søge om akkreditering på mail til

Fotografer skal senest 72 timer før kampstart søge om akkreditering på mail til

Overholdes tidsfristerne ikke afvises anmodning om akkreditering.

Medier der beskæftiger sig med TV, WebTV, radio og podcasts skal søge om akkreditering ved

Akkrediterede skrivende medier og fotografer vil modtage infomail senest 24 timer før kampstart.

Ved spørgsmål kontakt Dorthe Runge på telefon +45 51 84 19 90.



Information about press accreditation for Fredericia Handball Club’s matches in the EHF Machineseeker Champions League.


For journalists and photographers.

We look forward to welcoming you to our matches in the EHF Machineseeker Champions League.
You must apply for accreditation to gain access to press seats and press rooms in the arena.

Journalists from a written media must apply for accreditation by email to no later than 72 hours before the start of the match.

Photographers must apply for accreditation by email to no later than 72 hours before the start of the match.

If the deadlines are not met, the request for accreditation will be rejected.

Media dealing with TV, WebTV, radio and podcasts must apply for accreditation at

Accredited writing media and photographers will receive an infomail no later than 24 hours before the start of the match.

For questions, contact Dorthe Runge on phone +45 51 84 19 90.

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